Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hannegan Pass

Our day hike yesterday to Hannegan Pass filled the void 
in our yearning for sweeping mountain vistas.

...and in our desire to climb on large fallen trees with friends:
Matt, Zac, Nathan, and Boaz.

...and in our hopes of finding carpets of wildflowers.

...and in our goals for personal fitness.

...and in our love of great outdoor adventures.

...and in our excitement at sharing a meal in the wild.

...and in our desire to share the beauty of our locale with our visiting priest, Father Luke.

...and in our quest to sled in the middle of summer!

Hannegan Pass day trek: incredible!

 fine print:
We did not see much of the teenagers, who were on a quest of their own to race the 5 miles +2000 ft. up to the summit.  
Thankfully, they stopped at Hannegan Camp for lunch, where we were reunited.
Their descent?  Full speed running. 
So, some of us appreciated the view and the environs perhaps more than others.

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